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Why Choose Organic?

Every action of human beings whether positive or negative is not without consequences. Organic Amrit is a journey towards supporting and participating in the positive work that is being done in the Organic Agriculture and Processing Sector. There is only one mother earth and scores of species of life forms depend on it. Letting that get indiscriminately damaged is a crime of epic proportions thus, Earth is our CSR and all else is by the way.


The carcinogenic chemical pesticides that are being indiscriminately used by farmers without them actually being educated about their side effects and harmful effects on soil health, was a big concern right from Punam’s days as an Agriculture graduate (1994 – 1998). She was witness to the explosion of these imported brands of pesticides and chemicals, that were being pushed aggressively with incentives marketing.

Farmers are innocent beings totally connected to the soil, some of them started copying their neighbors mindlessly, without even making an effort to study the impact on their ownselves, their families and their lands…Lands in India started increasingly becoming barren with excessive exploitation of soil by monocropping and indiscriminate use of these poisonous synthetic farm inputs.

And then… we witnessed the heartbreaking episodes of Farmer suicides as an aftermath of lands dying due to the use of these harmful chemicals. There are more than 290 pesticides being used in India, mercilessly pumped into the soil killing flora and fauna that nurtures life, soil microflora and helps break-down nutrients in the top soil like in the human gut and, these micro-organisms reside in the top layer of the soil called “Humus”. The current state of damage has pushed lands into a deep deficit of “Humus”. It would take hundreds of years to restore lands to the level of health that are ideal…but imagine the consequences, if the mindless use of these poisons doesn’t stop!!!

Those of us who think life will go on… business as usual with current scenarios of conventional farming… need to seriously look at some hard statistics in our country. Sadly “Cancers in Punjab”, “Chronic kidney disease CKD’s in Andhra”, and “leakage of methyl isocyanate from Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal”, that claimed thousands of lives and continues to be reason congenital deformities among children in Bhopal didn’t teach us enough…and these are just few examples of the disastrous long term consequences of these toxic farm inputs on us.

Pesticides go up the food chain through the environment and into the soil or the water systems after which they are injested by aquatic animals or plants and ultimately humans, a process called Biomagnification.

Please take a hard look at some of the statistics listed below that we gathered from genuine resources, discussion, our own chats with farmers country-wide while doing our research:

  • India is an agrarian country with around 70% of its people depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture
  • Around 41.49% of total labor were associated with agriculture in the year 2020
  • India is the fourth-largest producer of pesticides in the world
  • It is reported that eight states consume more than 70% of the pesticides used in India and it is estimated that there are around 104 pesticides that are continued to be produced/ used in India that have been banned in two or more countries in the world.
  • According to reports published by FAO, India stood 13th in pesticide consumption in the world with 52,750 tonnes of pesticides used @ 0.3 per hectare of land cultivated
  • Cotton and paddy are the major crops where pesticides consumption is 50 per cent and 18 per cent, respectively. Cotton covers only 5 per cent of the cropped area, but accounts for 50 per cent of pesticide
  • Cancer cases rising in Punjab worst affected were those who used herbicides and organophosphates. The effects of which were discovered in the 1930's during World War II. They were used in the creation of nerve gas, which was used in chemical warfare. A report by Punjabi University, Patiala, revealed the high rate of DNA damage among farmers due to pesticide use.
  • The aftermath of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) leak killing more than 15,000 people and affected over 600,000 workers from Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, had already left a paralyzing effect in our minds, generation of those who survived it are still facing congenital issues and other side effects that were passed on via DNA with no fault of theirs.
  • 40 pesticides are banned in India for manufacture, import and use including “Endosulfan” which was used in cashew plantations and is alleged to have led to congenital deformities and even deaths in the Kasargod district of Kerala.

It’s time for some serious action, it’s not a fight of one organization, individual or entity, it’s now a fight of the human race for its survival.

Organic Amrit is one such step! We want to join hands with all Eco-Warriors who are fighting to save our planet.

Join our cause…buy Organic Products, Eat Healthy Food, Use Eco Positive Goods, Support the Farmer, Support the Organic Movement for the sake of Our Planet, our loved ones and for our future generations!!

What kind of World would we want to leave for them…is the question we need to be asking ourselves?

Disclaimer: All the Information shared is purely for education and awareness purposes, we care for mother earth and fellow human beings!

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